IGiK Works
Proceedings of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography - No 110, Vol. LII
price: 40 PLN
Zbigniew Bochenek
Analysis of classification methods of urban areas registered on high-resolution satellite images
Andrzej Ciołkosz, Zenon F. Poławski
Methodology of integration and analysis of multisource cartographic data for evaluation of land use changes in Poland
Janusz Ostrowski, Albina Kinga Mościcka, Anna Wrochna
Impact of map scale and method of cartographic presentation on mapping soil cover structure
Artur Karol Karwel, Ireneusz Ewiak
Assessment of usefulness of SRTM data for generation of DEM of the territory of Poland
Jan Ziobro
Pre–adjustment detection of gross errors in GPS measurement for aerial triangulation