IGiK Works
Proceedings of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography - No 106, Vol. L
price: 35 zł
Elżbieta Welker, Andrzej Sas-Uhrynowski
Changes of magnetic declination in the period of 1941–2000 at the former eastern Polish territories
Zbigniew Bochenek
Preparation of the method of land use change detection on the basis of analysis of multitemporal high-resolution satellite data
Krystyna Stankiewicz
Application of neural networks to classification of ENVISAT and ERS microwave images for crop identification
Krystyna Stankiewicz
Crop recognition on ENVISAT and ERS microwave images
Albina Mościcka, Janusz Ostrowski
Integration of cartographic and statistic presentation of patial information contained in raster soil-cartographic database
Agata Hościło
Succession of scrub vegetation within middle basin of the Biebrza National Park