IGiK Works
Proceedings of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography No 112, Vol. LIV
price: 45 PLN
Grażyna Kloch, Jan Kryński
Implementation of long, medium and short wave components of the signals of functionals of the disturbing potential in the process of modelling geoid
Wojciech Janusz
Examination of deformation of foundation in the course of its displacement
Jan Ziobro
Conditions of designing aerotriangulation with non-signalizedcontrol points
Janusz Ostrowski, Edmund Tusiński, Agnieszka Gutowska
Cartographic concept of maps of land usefulness forcultivating energy plants
Albina Mościcka, Małgorzata Brzezińska
Implementation of changeability of features of biblicalgeographic objectsin time-spatial information system