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Smart Villages (2020-2023) Implementation of Smart Villages concept in mazowieckie voivodeship (Consortium: Technical University of Warsaw, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - NRI, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- NRI, Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
KOWR (2020) Application of satellite remote sensing for monitoring crop growth conditions, including agricultural drought detection and for estimating reduction of crop yields caused by unfavorable crop development in 2020 (National Support Centre for Agriculture; Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
FPCUP (2019-2020) Success stories Poland (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska; consortium: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, University of Gdańsk)
FPCUP (2019-2020) Application of Copernicus products and value-added services for management of environment and forecasting agricultural production (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska; consortium: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, University of Gdańsk)
NCBiR SAPOL4Crop (2019-2023) South Africa – Poland – crop growth monitoring and yield assessment system (No. PL-RPA/02/SAPOL4Crop/43/2018; Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska; consortium: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography; Agricultural Research Council – Institute for Soil, Climate and Water ARC-ISCW)
NCBiR SATMIROL (2019-2021) Satellite-based crop identification and crop growth monitoring for agricultural statistics (Coordinator: Dr. Jedrzej Bojanowski; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences, Central Statistical Office)
ESA EOStat (2018-2021) Agriculture Poland: Services for Earth Observation-based statistical information for agriculture (Coordinator: Dr. Jedrzej Bojanowski; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences, Central Statistical Office)
ESA IRRSAT (2017-2019) Irrigation Factor 4 potato growth using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data (Coordinator: Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, WUT Institute of Electronic Systems)
ESA Service4Drought (2017-2019) Service 4 Drought Monitoring applying Satellite Data (Coordinator: Wind-Hydro; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography)
NCBiR GyroScan (2016-2019) Elaboration of innovative method for monitoring the state of agrocenosis with the use of remote-sensing gyro system in terms of precision farming (Consortium: Institute of Agrophysics PAS, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, Institute of Plant Protection - PIB, GEOSYSTEMS POLSKA sp.o.o., Aviation Artur Trendak, Lesaffre Polska SA)
ALOS-2 RA-6 PI No. 3218 (2016-2019) Assessment of soil moisture and productivity of grasslands and crops using PALSAR-2 data (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA ASAP (2014-2018) Advanced Sustainable Agricultural Production (MSc Martyna Gatkowska)
ESA SERENE (2014-2016) Bioenergy as the key to economic growth of the regions - EO Based Service Supporting Energy Crops Cultivation (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ALOS-2 RA-4 PI No. 1272 (2014-2017) ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 for biomass and soil moisture assessment – study for agriculture, forest and wetlands ecosystem (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA C1P.10669 (2012-2014) Application of SMOS data for Biebrza Wetlands and for Wielkopolska agricultural region in Poland (Principal Investigator: Dr. Eng. Maria Budzynska)
FP7: Geoland2 CIS Global Crop Monitoring (ITD.2007-0522-0-1; 2008-2012) Towards operational GMES Land Monitoring Core System. Preparation of the methods for land cover and land cover change mapping based on very high-resolution and medium-resolution satellite data (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
Development of methods for detection and monitoring of agricultural drought based on data from a new generation of environmental satellites (No. 0900104; 2008-2010; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
FP7: CEUBIOM (No. 213634; 2008-2010) Classification of European Biomass Potential for Bioenergy Using Terrestrial and Earth Observation. Study on applicability of different Earth Observation data for assessment of biomass used for bioenergy purposes (Coordinator: Prof. K. Dabrowska-Zielinska)
Preparation of the method for determining biomass and soil moisture changes on the basis of data delivered by recent satellite missions (No. 4T12E02630; 2006-2009; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
FP6: Geoland OFM Observatory Food Security & Crop Monitoring (ITD.2003-0350-0-1; 2004-2006) GMES products and services integrating EO monitoring capacities to support the implementation of European directives and policies to land cover and vegetation (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA C1P.1427 (2003-2008) Modelling of crop-soil parameters from ENVISAT ASAR and MERIS data. (Principal Investigator: Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
Elaboration of models for assessment of cereal growth and development using remote sensing (No. 5T12E02623; 2002-2005; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
Remote sensing based system for crop monitoring (No. 9T12E00415; 1998-2001; Prof. Andrzej Ciolkosz)
Determination of acreage and structure of crops with the use of aerial and satellite remote sensing (PC-1; 1997-1999; Prof. Andrzej Ciolkosz)
CSO (1997-2016) Assessment of crop growth conditions in Poland based on information derived from satellite data (Central Statistical Office; Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Dr. Eng. Zbigniew Bochenek)
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Modeling of carbon balance at wetlands applying the newest ESA satellite missions Sentinel-1/2/3 (NCN OPUS 12; 2016/23/B/ST10/03155; 2017-2022; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ADAPTCITY (2019) Preparation of a strategy for adaptation to climate change of the city of Warsaw with the use of city climate mapping and with public participation (Institute for Sustainable Development; Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
Variability and change of cloudiness diurnal cycle over the past 30 years: a global analysis based on polar orbiting satellites (NCN POLONEZ 1; 2015/19/P/ST10/03990; 2017-2018; Dr. Jedrzej Bojanowski)
NCBiR RemBioFor (2015-2018) Remote sensing based assessment of woody biomass and carbon storage in forests (Consortium: Forest Research Institute, State Forests NFH, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Institute of Dendrology PAS, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Dr. Dariusz Ziolkowski and Dr. Eng. Agata Hoscilo, Wood Technology Institute, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poznan University of Life Sciences)
ESA DUE GLOBBIOMASS (2015-2017; Coordinator: Friedrich Schiller University Jena; co-operation in Poland: Forest Research Institute, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Dr. Eng. Agata Hoscilo)
Analysis of spatial and physical changes of cloudiness in Poland over the years 1988-2013 from the perspective of solar energy potential performed on a basis of the AVHRR satellite data (NCN SONATA 6; 2014-2017; Dr. Jan Musial)
ALOS-2 RA-4 PI No. 1272 (2014-2017) ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 for biomass and soil moisture assessment – study for agriculture, forest and wetlands ecosystem (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
NCBiR Polish-Norwegian Research Programme FINEGRASS (2013-2016) Effect of climatic changes on grassland growth, its water conditions and biomass (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research - Bioforsk Nord, Norwegian Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape - Skog og Landskap, Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - Malopolska Research Centre, Poznan University of Life Sciences)
NCBiR Polish-Norwegian Research Programme WICLAP Ecosystem stress from the combined effects of winter climate change and air pollution - how do the impacts differ between biomes? (Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Zbigniew Bochenek; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway), University of Warsaw, Opole University)
ESA C1P.10669 (2012-2014) Application of SMOS data for Biebrza Wetlands and for Wielkopolska agricultural region in Poland. (Principal Investigator: Dr. Eng. Maria Budzynska)
Application of new generation satellite data for the assessment of the impact of soil moisture and biomass on carbon balance (1600/B/T02/2011/40; 2011-2013; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA C1P.7389 (2010-2013) Application of remote sensing methods for the assessment of carbon balances for different biomasses and soil moistures within agriculture and wetland ecosystems (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA PECS CARBON (No. 98101; 2009-2012) Study and implement remote sensing techniques for the assessment of carbon balances for different biomasses and soil moistures within various ecosystems (Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
FP6: INTAS (No. 06100000259182; 2007-2009) Remote Sensing Methods for Environmental Assessment of Eurasian Peatlands and Associated Ecosystems under Climate Change (Pacine) (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
Preparation of the method for determining biomass and soil moisture changes on the basis of data delivered by recent satellite missions (No. 4T12E02630; 2006-2009; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
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In-situ chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in support of remote sensing in researches on state and condition of peatbogs in Biebrza Valley (NCN MINIATURA 5; 2021/05/X/ST10/00850; 2021-2022; Dr. Maciej Bartold)
NCBiR Polish-Norwegian Research Programme GrasSAT (2020-2024) Tools for information to farmers on grasslands yields under stressed conditions to support management practices (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norwegian Research Centre, GEOMATIC Michał Wyczałek-Jagiełło)
Modeling of carbon balance at wetlands applying the newest ESA satellite missions Sentinel-1/2/3 (NCN OPUS 12; 2016/23/B/ST10/03155; 2017-2022; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA SEOM Exploit-S-1 (2016-2020) Exploitation of Sentinel-1 for Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval at High Resolution (Coordinator: CNR-IREA; co-operation: Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Gamma Remote Sensing Research and Consulting AG, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, Dr. Jan Musial)
ALOS-2 RA-6 PI No. 3218 (2016-2019) Assessment of soil moisture and productivity of grasslands and crops using PALSAR-2 data (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA LPVP (2016-2018) Land Products Validation and Characterisation in support to Proba-V, S-2 and S-3 missions (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA C1F.32623 (2016-2018) EO-based products for wetlands under Ramsar Convention pilot project for Poland (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA POLWET (2015-2017) System for new space-based products for wetlands under Ramsar Convention – pilot Project for Poland supporting future GlobWetland (Coordinators: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, MSc Maciej Bartold)
ESA EXPRO Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Product Validation (2014-2017) Technical Support for the setup and scientific exploitation of the Sentinel-1 Supersite in Biebrza-Poland (Coordinators: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, Dr. Jan Musial)
NCBiR Polish-Norwegian Research Programme FINEGRASS (2013-2016) Effect of climatic changes on grassland growth, its water conditions and biomass (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research - Bioforsk Nord, Norwegian Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape - Skog og Landskap, Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - Malopolska Research Centre, Poznan University of Life Sciences)
ESA C1P.10669 (2012-2014) Application of SMOS data for Biebrza Wetlands and for Wielkopolska agricultural region in Poland (Principal Investigator: Dr. Eng. Maria Budzynska)
Application of new generation satellite data for the assessment of the impact of soil moisture and biomass on carbon balance (1600/B/T02/2011/40; 2011-2013; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
FP7: MS.MONINA (No. 263479; 2010-2013) Multi-Scale Service for Monitoring NATURA 2000 Habitats of European Community Interest. Elaboration of the service based on Earth Observation data for monitoring NATURA 2000 habitats (Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Zbigniew Bochenek)
ESA C1P.7389 (2010-2013) Application of remote sensing methods for the assessment of carbon balances for different biomasses and soil moistures within agriculture and wetland ecosystems (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA PECS CARBON (No. 98101; 2009-2012) Study and implement remote sensing techniques for the assessment of carbon balances for different biomasses and soil moistures within various ecosystems (Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
AOALO.3742 (2007-2011) Application of ALOS L band data for analysis of wetlands humidity and biomass assessment. (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
Preparation of the method for monitoring wetlands on the basis of images collected by ALOS satellite (No. 526021733; 2007-2010; Dr. Eng. Maria Budzynska)
FP6: INTAS (No. 06100000259182; 2007-2009) Remote Sensing Methods for Environmental Assessment of Eurasian Peatlands and Associated Ecosystems under Climate Change (Pacine) (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
AO ID 122 (2000-2005) Synergy’s assessment of the ASAR, MERIS and AATSR data for the monitoring and management of temperate European sensitive ecosystems. The case of the Biebrza Wetlands (Poland) and of the wetlands of the Alsacian Floodplain (France) (Principal Investigator: De Fraipoint Paul, SERTIT, France; Co- Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
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GAUSS (2021-2023) Generating Advanced Usage of Earth Observation for Smart Statistics (Consortium: National Observatory of Athens, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Evenflow, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Dr. Eng. Ewa Panek-Chwastyk)
Smart Villages (2020-2023) Implementation of Smart Villages concept in mazowieckie voivodeship (Consortium: Technical University of Warsaw, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - NRI, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- NRI, Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ADAPTCITY (2019) Preparation of a strategy for adaptation to climate change of the city of Warsaw with the use of city climate mapping and with public participation (Institute for Sustainable Development; Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
CLC 2018 (2019) Copernicus GIO Land Monitoring CORINE Land Cover (Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Dr. Eng. Agata Hoscilo)
ESA SInCohMap (2017-2020) Exploitation OF Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence for Land Cover and Vegetation Mapping (Coordinator: DARES TECHNOLOGY; co-operation: UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universidad de Alicante (UA), EURAC, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Université de Rennes 1)
State Forests NFH (2015) Mapping of actual forest extent in Poland using existing photogrammetric, remote sensing and spatial datasets (State Forests National Forest Holding; Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Dr. Eng. Agata Hoscilo)
CSO: Crop recognition based on SAR satellite data (2014) Assessment of usefulness of Sentinel-1 images on the basis of archival ENVISAT images with dual polarization HH and VV (Central Statistical Office; Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
CLC 2012 (2013-2014) Copernicus GIO Land Monitoring CORINE Land Cover (Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Dr. Eng. Agata Hoscilo)
FP7: MS.MONINA (No. 263479; 2010-2013) Multi-Scale Service for Monitoring NATURA 2000 Habitats of European Community Interest. Elaboration of the service based on Earth Observation data for monitoring NATURA 2000 habitats (Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Zbigniew Bochenek)
FP7: Geoland2 CMS SATChMo (ITD.2007-0522-0-1; 2008-2012) Towards operational GMES Land Monitoring Core System. Preparation of the methods for land cover and land cover change mapping based on very high-resolution and medium-resolution satellite data (Coordinators: Dr. Eng. Stanislaw Lewinski, Dr. Eng. Zbigniew Bochenek)
CLC 2006 (2006-2008) GMES Land Monitoring CORINE Land Cover (Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Elzbieta Bielecka, Prof. Andrzej Ciolkosz)
FP6: Geoland CSL Core Service Land Cover (ITD.2003-0350-0-1; 2004-2006) GMES products and services integrating EO monitoring capacities to support the implementation of European directives and policies to land cover and vegetation (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
The analysis of conditions for recognition of crops on microwave satellite images (2004-2007; Dr. Krystyna Stankiewicz)
CLC 2000 CORINE Land Cover (Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Elzbieta Bielecka, Prof. Andrzej Ciolkosz)
Determination of acreage and structure of crops with the use of aerial and satellite remote sensing (PC-1; 1997-1999; Prof. Andrzej Ciolkosz)
CLC 1990 CORINE Land Cover (Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Elzbieta Bielecka, Prof. Andrzej Ciolkosz)
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FPCUP (2019-2020) Application of Copernicus products and value-added services for management of environment and forecasting agricultural production (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska; consortium: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, University of Gdańsk)
ESA Geo4IRBM Geoinformational Support for Integrated River Basins Management (Coordinator: GEOSYSTEMS Polska Sp. z o.o.; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Topologic Consulting)
ESA Service4Drought (2017-2019) Service 4 Drought Monitoring applying Satellite Data (Coordinator: Wind-Hydro; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography)
NCBiR DefSAR (2014-2017) Integrated system for monitoring ground deformations using radar interferometry with persistent scatterers (Dr. Dariusz Ziolkowski; Consortium: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, The Warsaw Surveying Company S.A., Building Research Institute)
ESA PECS FIRES (2013-2015) Application of remotely sensed data to the management of fire events in Poland (Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Agata Hoscilo)
ESA PECS (2012-2014) ESA services in support to environmental management in Poland (Coordinator: Centre UNEP/GRID-Warszawa; co-operation: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography)
ESA C1P.7847 (2010-2012) Application of microwave images for the area flooded in May and June 2010 in Poland (Principal Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA PECS WATER (No. 98098; 2009-2012) Application of remotely sensed data for transboundary water resource management (Dr. Eng. Zbigniew Bochenek)
Development of methods for detection and monitoring of agricultural drought based on data from a new generation of environmental satellites (No. 0900104; 2008-2010; Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
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In-situ chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in support of remote sensing in researches on state and condition of peatbogs in Biebrza Valley (NCN MINIATURA 5; 2021/05/X/ST10/00850; 2021-2022; Dr. Maciej Bartold)
JECAM POLAND - WIELKOPOLSKA (since 2017) Joint Experiment of Crop Assessment and Monitoring (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA SEOM Exploit-S-1 (2016-2020) Exploitation of Sentinel-1 for Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval at High Resolution (Coordinator: CNR-IREA; co-operation: Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Gamma Remote Sensing Research and Consulting AG, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, Dr. Jan Musial)
ESA LPVP (2016-2018) Land Products Validation and Characterisation in support to Proba-V, S-2 and S-3 missions (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
ESA EXPRO Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Product Validation (2014-2017) Technical Support for the setup and scientific exploitation of the Sentinel-1 Supersite in Biebrza-Poland (Coordinators: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, Dr. Jan Musial)
FP7: Geoland2 CMS BioPAR (ITD.2007-0522-0-1; 2008-2012) Towards operational GMES Land Monitoring Core System. Preparation of the methods for land cover and land cover change mapping based on very high-resolution and medium-resolution satellite data (Coordinator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)
AO CAL/VAL 3275 (2006-2010) Soil, water and energy exchange (SWEX) ground based monitoring of soil, water and energy exchange conditions in Poland for validation purposes of the ESA mission SMOS (Principal Investigator: Dr. W. Marczewski, CBK, Co- Investigator: Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska)