Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation data
Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of peatbogs in Biebrza Valley
The main goal of the project is to plan and carry out field measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence at wetlands in Biebrza Valley. In addition a complex database containing groundbased measuremets will be provided to facilitate performing calibration and validation of satellite data. The project is funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN) via MINIATURA 5 grant.
JECAM Wielkopolska - study site for global agricultural monitoring
In 2017 Remote Sensing Centre joined the JECAM initiative - Joint Experiment of Crop Assessment and Monitoring. The overrarching goal of JECAM is to reach a convergence of approaches, develop monitoring and reporting protocols and best practices for a variety of global agricultural systems. Study site is located in Western Poland, Greater Poland Voivodeship (NUTS 2 PL41), approx. 50 km to Poznan. The site is 25 km x 25 km with the area of focused study and research at 10 x 10 km.
Validation of soil moisture retrieval algorithms from Sentinel-1 data
The scope of the Exploit-S-1 project was to demonstrate the capabilities of the S-1 mission to support systematic SSM product generation at high resolution (e.g. 500m-1000m) and at regional/continental scale.
Validation of biophysical products from Proba-V and Sentinel-2/3 satellites
LPVP project, funded by European Space Agency, aims to support Proba-V, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Cal/Val activities and support activity of ESA’s Sensor Performances, Products and Algorithm (SPPA) section, which is responsible for mission end-to-end performances assessment, algorithm evolution and Cal-Val activities.
Field campaigns measurements are being taken at wetland and agricultural areas in Poland and used for validation of derived EO remote sensing data.
Validation of Sentinel-1 soil moisture products
In the scope of proposed project two S-1 SM validation sites covering grassland and marshland are located in the Biebrza Wetlands (Poland). Environmental conditions between both sites vary in respect to a SM level, vegetations density and type of grass cover. This diversity will allow to evaluate the S-1 SM products across a wide range of conditions and to conduct extensive research concerning water, carbon and energy cycles within a unique wetland ecosystem.
BioPar - validation of global satellite-based biophysical products
Within the frame of Geoland2 BioPar Core Mapping Service, Remote Sensing Centre at IGiK in cooperation with The French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) participated in validation of BioPar satellite products.
The PASTiS57° systems were mounted in Poland, at Wielkopolska agriculture field sites over followed crops: winter wheat, winter rye, spring barley, spring oat, triticale, rape, corn, sugar beet, grass and alfalfa.