Dr. Maciej Bartold
Dr. Maciej Bartold - received a M.Sc. degree (2008) and a Ph.D. degree (2019), both in geoinformatics and remote sensing from the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies at University of Warsaw, Poland. In 2009, he completed post-graduate studies of GIS, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and its implementation in national economy, country defence and environment protection, at the Military University of Technology. Since 2009, he has been a research scientist at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK) in Poland.
His researches are focused on monitoring vegetation conditions and detecting natural disasters applying time-series with optical- and radar-based images derived from various satellites under ESA and NASA missions. Dr. Bartold is also involved in field data collection over wetlands and agricultural areas in Poland.
Laureate of Top 500 Innovators: Science - Management - Commercialization - programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education supporting innovation in science, 2013.
Participation in research projects: click here to display a list of projects
FBW IGiK (2023) Remotely sensed chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of peatbogs in Biebrza Valley
ESA EOStat – Agriculture Poland (2022-2023) Support of Ukraine in collection of agricultural statistics using tools developed within EOStat project according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU) needs
NCN MINIATURA 5 (2021-2022) In-situ chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in support of remote sensing in researches on state and condition of peatbogs in Biebrza Valley
Smart Villages (2020-2023) Implementation of Smart Villages concept in mazowieckie voivodeship
NCBiR Polish-Norwegian Research Programme GrasSAT (2020-2024) Tools for information to farmers on grasslands yields under stressed conditions to support management practices
NCBiR SAPOL4Crop (2019-2023) South Africa – Poland – crop growth monitoring and yield assessment system
NCN OPUS 12 (2017-2022) Modeling of carbon balance at wetlands applying the newest ESA satellite missions Sentinel-1/2/3
JECAM POLAND (since 2017) Joint Experiment of Crop Assessment and Monitoring
ALOS-2 RA-6 PI No. 3218 (2016-2019) Assessment of soil moisture and productivity of grasslands and crops using PALSAR-2 data
ESA LPVP (2016-2018) Land Products Validation and Characterisation in support to Proba-V, S-2 and S-3 missions
ESA C1F.32623 (2016-2018) EO-based products for wetlands under Ramsar Convention pilot project for Poland
ESA POLWET (2015-2017) System for new space-based products for wetlands under Ramsar Convention – pilot Project for Poland supporting future GlobWetland
NCBiR Polish-Norwegian Research Programme WICLAP (2013-2016) Ecosystem stress from the combined effects of winter climate change and air pollution - how do the impacts differ between biomes?
NCBiR Polish-Norwegian Research Programme FINEGRASS (2013-2016) Effect of climatic changes on grassland growth, its water conditions and biomass
ESA PECS (2012-2014) ESA services in support to environmental management in Poland
FP7: MS.MONINA (No. 263479; 2010-2013) Multi-Scale Service for Monitoring NATURA 2000 Habitats of European Community Interest. Elaboration of the service based on Earth Observation data for monitoring NATURA 2000 habitats
NCN (2011-2013) Application of new generation satellite data for the assessment of the impact of soil moisture and biomass on carbon balance
ESA C1P.7389 (2010-2013) Application of remote sensing methods for the assessment of carbon balances for different biomasses and soil moistures within agriculture and wetland ecosystems
ESA PECS CARBON (2009-2012) Study and implement remote sensing techniques for the assessment of carbon balances for different biomasses and soil moistures within various ecosystems
C1P.7847 (2010-2012) Application of microwave images for the area flooded in May and June 2010 in Poland
FP7: Geoland2 (2008-2012) Towards operational GMES Land Monitoring Core System
Publications: Click here to display a list of journal articles
Bartold M., Kluczek M., Wróblewski K., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Goliński P., Golińska B., 2024, Mapping management intensity types in grasslands with synergistic use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite images. Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, 32066. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-83699-4
Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Wróblewski K., Goliński P., Malińska A., Bartold M., Łągiewska M., Kluczek M., Panek-Chwastyk E., Ziółkowski D., Golińska B., Markowska A., Paradowski K., 2024, Integrating Copernicus LMS with Ground Measurements Data for Leaf Area Index and Biomass Assessment for Grasslands in Poland and Norway, International Journal of Digital Earth 17 (1). https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2024.2425165
Bartold M., Wróblewski K., Kluczek M., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Goliński P., 2024, Examining the Sensitivity of Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices to Plant Drought Stress in Grasslands in Poland. Plants 2024, 13, 2319. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13162319
Bartold M., Kluczek M., 2024, Estimating of chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm for plant stress detection at peatlands under Ramsar Convention with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, Ecological Informatics, Vol. 81, 102603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102603
Panek-Chwastyk E., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Kluczek M., Markowska A., Woźniak E., Bartold M., Ruciński M., Wojtkowski C., Aleksandrowicz S., Gromny E., Lewiński S., Łączyński A., Masiuk S., Zhurbenko O., Trofimchuk T., Burzykowska A., 2024, Estimates of Crop Yield Anomalies for 2022 in Ukraine Based on Copernicus Sentinel-1, Sentinel-3 Satellite Data, and ERA-5 Agrometeorological Indicators. Sensors 2024, 24, 2257. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24072257
Bartold M., Kluczek M., 2023, A Machine Learning Approach for Mapping Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Inland Wetlands, Remote Sensing 2023, Vol.15(9), 2392. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15092392
Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Misiura K., Malińska A., Grzybowski P., Gurdak R., Bartold M., Kluczek M., 2022, Modelling Net Ecosystem Exchange in the Biebrza Wetlands using satellite and meteorological data, Miscellanea Geographica, Vol. 26(4). https://doi.org/10.2478/mgrsd-2022-0013
Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Misiura K., Malińska A., Gurdak R., Grzybowski P., Bartold M., Kluczek M., 2022, Spatiotemporal estimation of gross primary production for terrestrial wetlands using satellite and field data, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Vol. 27, 100786. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2022.100786
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Bochenek Z., Malinska A., Bartold M., Gurdak R., Lagiewska M., Paradowski K., 2021, Drought Assessment Applying Joined Meteorological and Satellite Data, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Brussels, Belgium, 11–16 July 2021, pp. 6591-6594. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553739
Gurdak R., Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Bochenek Z., Kluczek M., Bartold M., Newete S.W., Chirima G.J., 2021, Crop Growth Monitoring and Yield Prediction System Applying Copernicus Data for Poland & South Africa, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Brussels, Belgium, 11–16 July 2021, pp. 6564–6567. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554744
Gurdak R., Bartold M., 2021, Remote sensing techniques to assess chlorophyll fluorescence in support of crop monitoring in Poland, Miscellanea Geographica, Vol. 25, No. 4. https://doi.org/10.2478/mgrsd-2020-0029
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Misiura K., Gurdak R., Grzybowski P., Bartold M., Lagiewska M., 2020, Water related ecosystem: application Copernicus data examining climate change effect on hydrological regime of wetlands, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 11528, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXII; 1152817 (2020). https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/11528/1152817/Water--related-ecosystem--application-Copernicus-data-examining-climate/10.1117/12.2580499.short
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Malinska A., Bochenek Z., Bartold M., Gurdak R., Paradowski K., Lagiewska M., 2020, Drought Model DISS Based on the Fusion of Satellite and Meteorological Data under Variable Climatic Conditions, Remote Sensing 2020, Vol. 12(18), 2944. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/18/2944
Bartold M., Bochenek Z., 2019, Impact of meteorological conditions on the onset of the growing season over broadleaved forests in northeastern Poland, Sylwan, Vol. 163(12), pp. 997-1005. https://doi.org/10.26202/sylwan.2019044
Šimanauskienė R., Linkevičienė R., Bartold M., Dąbrowska‐Zielińska K., Slavinskienė G., Veteikis D., Taminskas J., 2019, Peatland degradation: the relationship between raised bog hydrology and NDVI, Ecohydrology 2019, e2159. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2159
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Musial J., Malinska A., Budzynska M., Gurdak R., Kiryla W., Bartold M., Grzybowski P., 2018, Soil Moisture in the Biebrza Wetlands Retrieved from Sentinel-1 Imagery, Remote Sensing 2018, Vol. 10(12), 1979. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/10/12/1979
Bartold M., 2018, Determining the onset and the end of the growing season of the broad-leaved forest s over Poland u sing long -term S POT Vegetation and Proba-V satellite ob servations, Studies in Geography, Vol. 63(3), pp. 7-31. https://wgsr.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/01_Bartold_M_18_11_2018.pdf
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Bartold M., Gurdak R., Gatkowska M., Kiryla W., Bochenek Z., Malinska A., 2018, Crop Yield Modelling Applying Leaf Area Index Estimated from Sentinel-2 and Proba-V Data at JECAM site in Poland, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS 2018, Valencia, Spain, 22–27 July 2018, pp. 5382–5385. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8519120
Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Bartold M., Orlowska K., Ochtyra A., 2018, Monitoring forest biodiversity and the impact of climate on forest environment using high-resolution satellite images, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 51(1), pp. 166-181. https://doi.org/10.1080/22797254.2017.1414573
Bochenek Z., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Gurdak R., Niro F., Bartold M., Grzybowski P., 2017, Validation of the LAI biophysical product derived from Sentinel-2 and Proba-V images for winter wheat in western Poland, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 9, No. 1(9), pp. 15-26. https://doi.org/10.34867/gi.2017.2
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Gurdak R., Musial J., Malinska A., Gatkowska M., Bartold M., 2017, Application of Sentinel-1 VH and VV and Sentinel-2 for soil moisture studies, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 10426, Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring; 104260C (2017). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2278613
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Gatkowska M., Kowalik W., Bartold M., Kiryla W., 2017, Importance of grasslands monitoring applying optical and radar satellite data in perspective of changing climate, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Fort Worth, TX, USA, 23 July 2017, pp. 5782–5785. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8128322
Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Budzyńska M., Tomaszewska M., Malińska A., Bartold M., Gatkowska M., Turlej K., Małek I., Turbiak J., Jaszczyński J., 2017, Modeling of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) at wetlands applying remote sensing, Water-Environment-Rural Areas, Vol. 17., No. 1(57), pp. 31-51. https://www.itp.edu.pl/old/wydawnictwo/woda/zeszyt_57_2017/Dabrowska%20Zielinska%20i%20in.pdf
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Bartold M., Gurdak R., 2016, POLWET – System for new space-based products for wetlands under RAMSAR Convention, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 8, No. 1(8), pp. 25-35. https://doi.org/10.34867/gi.2016.3
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Tomaszewska M., Malinska A., Gatkowska M., Bartold M., Malek I., 2016, Assessment of Carbon Flux and Soil Moisture in Wetlands Applying Sentinel-1 Data, Remote Sensing 2016, Vol. 8(9), 756. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8090756
Bartold M., 2016, Development of forest cover mask to monitor the health condition of forests in Poland using long-term satellite observations, Forest Research Papers, Vol. 77(2), pp. 141-150. https://doi.org/10.1515/frp-2016-0016
Bartold M., 2016, Comparison of time series of the vegetation index derived from NOAA AVHRR and SPOT VEGETATION satellite observations, Sylwan, 160(2), pp. 153-161. https://doi.org/10.26202/sylwan.2015071
Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Bartold M., 2015, Application of NOAA AVHRR satellite images for studying various environmental and climatic conditions in Polish forests, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 7, No. 1(7), pp. 29-37. https://doi.org/10.34867/gi.2015.3
Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Bartold M., 2015, Forest condition assessment through analyzing relations between meteorological parameters describing climate changes and vegetation indices derived from low-resolution satellite data, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Milan, Italy, 26–31 July 2015, pp. 3341-3344. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326534
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Tomaszewska M., Bartold M., Gatkowska M., 2015, The study of multifrequency microwave satellite images for vegetation biomass and humidity of the area under Ramsar convention, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Milan, Italy, 26–31 July 2015, pp. 5198–5200. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7327005
Budzyńska M., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Tomaszewska M., Bartold M., Gatkowska M., 2015, Studies on carbon exchange in grassland areas, Grassland Science in Poland, No. 18, pp. 47-58. https://bibliotekanauki.pl/articles/75713.pdf
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Tomaszewska M., Bartold M., Gatkowska M., Malek I., Turlej K., Napiorkowska M., 2014, Monitoring Wetlands Ecosystems Using ALOS PALSAR (L-Band, HV) Supplemented by Optical Data: A Case Study of Biebrza Wetlands in Northeast Poland, Remote Sensing 2014, Vol. 6(2), pp. 1605-1633. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs6021605
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Tomaszewska M., Budzynska M., Rychlik S., Malek I., Bartold M., Gatkowska M., Malinska A., Turlej K., 2013, Study and implementation of microwave and optical data for assessment of carbon balances for wetlands under changes of biomass and humidity conditions, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Melbourne, Australia, 21–26 July 2013, pp. 1749-1751. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723135
Turlej K., Bojanowski J., Bartold M., 2013, Agriculture Mask for Crop Growth Monitoring in Poland Using NOAA-AVHRR Time Series, Archives of Photogrammetry, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Vol. 25, pp. 233-242. http://ptfit.sgp.geodezja.org.pl/wydawnictwa/kazimierz-2013/20_Turlej_Bojanowski_Bartold_233_242.pdf
Maslikowski L., Kulpa K., Krysik P., Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Bartold M., 2013, An L-band noise radar demonstrator for ground-based measurements of ground surface backscattering, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 401-407. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1759078713000202
Bartold M., 2012, Monitoring of forest damages in Poland and Slovakia based on Terra.MODIS satellite images, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 4, No. 1(4), pp. 23-31. https://doi.org/10.34867/gi.2012.3
Maslikowski L., Krysik P., Kulpa K., Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Bartold M., 2012, A radar demonstrator for ground-based L-band ground reflectivity measurements, Proceedings of the 2012 9th European Radar Conference (EURAD), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 31 October–2 November 2012, pp. 1749-1751. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6450719
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Kowalik W., Malek I., Gatkowska M., Bartold M., Turlej K., 2012, Biophysical Parameters Assessed from Microwave and Optical Data, International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2012, vol. 58, No 2, pp. 99-104. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10177-012-0013-7
Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Ciołkosz A., Malińska A., Bartold M., 2011, Monitoring of agricultural drought in Poland using data derived from environmental satellite images, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 3, No. 1(3), pp. 87-97. https://doi.org/10.34867/gi.2011.7
Maslikowski L., Krysik P., Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Kowalik W., Bartold M., 2011, Preliminary results of ground reflectivity measurements using noise radar, Proceedings of SPIE 8008, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2011, 80081V (2011). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.905268
Budzyńska M., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Turlej K., Małek I., Bartold M., 2011, Monitoring of the Biebrza wetlands using remote sensing methods, Water-Environment-Rural Areas, T. 11 Z. 3(35), pp. 39-64. https://docplayer.pl/14751344-Monitoring-przyrodniczy-bagien-biebrzanskich-z-zastosowaniem-teledetekcji.html
Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Ciolkosz A., Budzynska M., Malinska A., Bartold M., 2011, The System for Early Natural Disasters Monitoring in Agriculture, Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 10-15 April, Sydney Australia, www.isrse34.org. https://www.isprs.org/proceedings/2011/isrse-34/211104015Final00210.pdf
Turlej K., Bartold M., Lewiński S., 2010, Analysis of extent and effects caused by the flood wave in May and June 2010 in the Vistula and Odra River Valleys, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 2, No. 1(2), pp. 49-57. https://doi.org/10.34867/gi.2010.5
Bartold M., 2008, Forest Classification Using The Hyperspectral Scanner Hyperion Image (EO-1), Teledetekcja Środowiska, T. 39, pp. 5-29. https://teledetekcja.pw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Bartold.pdf
Media: Click here to display a list of media articles
Peatland vegetation diseases can be detected with AI and satellite systems, Science in Poland, 8.05.2024. ARTICLE