Geoinformation Issues
Geoinformation Issues Vol. 3, No 1, 2011
ISSN 2300-4916
Electronic version of the journal it its primary version
Walyeldeen Godah, Jan Krynski
Validation of GOCE gravity fi eld models over Poland using the EGM2008 and GPS/levelling data
Elzbieta Welker
The infl uence of variations of the Earth’ magnetic fi eld on the elaboration of geomagnetic observations in Poland
Jan Ziobro
Integrated sensor orientation – ground control points for a large-block aerotriangulation
Bartłomiej Kraszewski
Calibration of digital SLR Nikon D3X for the use in digital photogrammetry projects
Agata Ciołkosz-Styk, Adam Styk
Measuring maps graphical density via digital image processing method on the example of city maps
Andrzej Ciolkosz
Mapping of land use changes in Poland using Earth observation data
Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zielińska, Andrzej Ciołkosz, Alicja Malińska, Maciej Bartold
Monitoring of agricultural drought in Poland using data derived from environmental satellite images