SERENE - remote sensing based system for bioenergy crops

The Project “Bioenergy as the key to economic growth of the regions - EO Based Service Supporting Energy Crops Cultivation (SERENE)” is funded by ESA Programme AO/1-7438/13/NL/SC.

Duration of the project: 1.03.2014 – 30.04.2016
Acronym of the project: SERENE

Prime Contractor: RG Consulting Ryszard Gajewski Private Company
email: phone: +48 608 388 141
IGiK Sub-contractor: prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska
email: phone: +48 22 3291974

Project objectives:

The main objective of the proposal is the assessment of actual information on the energy biomass availability in the regions as well as delivering of information on profitability of energy crops cultivation (where and what to cultivate?). In Poland, biomass producers limit biomass production due to lack of information which would be offered by our service.

The service will provide multiple information and data in the forms of maps (graphical presentations) and reports (graphs, charts, tables, diagrams) on the several elements such as: the actual energy crops plantations’ localization and cover, the areas having the potential for energy crops cultivation and indication of energy plants cultivation in these areas as well as the estimations of several factors such as: potential biomass yield, energy production from it’s utilization and profits. Moreover the service will provide actual, up to date space-based frequent information concerning assessment of energy crops growing conditions and biomass yield including yield prognosis for the selected test sites with the ambition to provide such information for the whole country on the commercial basis after the project successful execution.

The proposed service (available during the project execution through the Reo and Farmer portals and through IGiK website) and the products/reports available through are dedicated for various actors such as: energy suppliers including individual farmers (planters) as well as companies which establishes the plantations dedicated for energy plants for their own use on one side and energy recipients: local, regional and national scale energy biomass recipients (bio-gas stations, electro stations and CHPs).

Project partners:
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK), Remote Sensing Centre
National Supporter of Economic Growth (PTWP)
Polish Chamber of Biomass (PIB)
Renewable Energy Market Foundation (REO)