FPCUP - success stories Poland
FPCUP - Success stories Poland
Program: Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake
Founded by: European Commission
Duration of the project: 2019 – 2020
Project Leader: Remote Sensing Centre, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography
Prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, e-mail: katarzyna.dabrowska-zielinska@igik.edu.pl
The scientific goal of the task is to develop and then implement a detailed concept and analysis of comparative benefits, as a result of the use of satellite images, and to evaluate the possibility of using satellite data to improve the productivity of individual institutions as well as the accuracy and quality of activities.
The analysis is carried out using the method of assessing the effectiveness of using satellite data from the Copernicus program and will include a qualitative and quantitative analysis of benefits, including costs. The assessment will allow to determine the degree of efficiency after introducing tasks using satellite data.
The main activities focus on:
- Analysis of the satellite data of the Copernicus Program and its products and preparation in such a way that they can be used by various users in increasing their efficiency and facilitating the solution of problems arising in their operations;
- The concept of data processing, the costs associated with the processing of this data and the development of benefits from the application of the developed solutions as well as the analysis of the procedures that are required to achieve a solution for a given problem;
- Implementation of these solutions by the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Poland and development of the results of comparative benefits for the Entrepreneurship Agency.
The aim of our activities was:
- Insurance companies (risk assessment, calculation of the damage/lost),
- Energy Sector (traceability of energy biomass source/assessment of the energy production potential in regions, alternative energy ),
- Potential investors in the renewably energy sector (wind farms),
- Spatial planning (updated information on land use and its changes),
- Transportation company etc.
The outputs will be composed of: communication materials demonstrating the applicability of the Copernicus data and services for various sectors of economy, complex solution-to-problem concepts as well as Seminars’ presentations and Users assessment of the quality and utility of the delivered concept notes. In cooperation with the Polish Partner, University of Gdansk (abbreviated to UG) designed a questionnaire for potential users uptake (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScp014c_8IL6IyhL3dmZOyiSp0TrUmtpqEbkrRz5DpZAuXUbA/viewform?usp=sf_link).
A list of potential users (private companies, services, enterprises etc.) was established and interests in training and workshops related to Copernicus data usage were obtained. In cooperation with UG the experts from IGiK has been working on the website related to the action in Polish (https://fpcup.pl/) and established the extent of contents proposed for the target training programmes. There the users can find the link to competition due to aim of the project https://fpcup.pl/konkurs/.