Service for drought monitoring applying satellite data
Service 4 Drought Monitoring applying Satellite Data
Project Category: ESA Polish Industry Incentive Scheme
Duration of the project: 1.07.2017 – 30.06.2019
Acronym of the project: Service4Drought
Reference: P/ESA/2016/AO/1-8433/Service4Drought
Prime Contractor:
Wind-Hydro, Grzegorz Lukasiewicz,
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Remote Sensing Centre,
prof. Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, e-mail:
The main objective of the project is to create multi-level information System for Drought Monitoring based on Earth Observation (EO) and in-situ data, delivering its services in an operational way for water demanding industry, such as: energy sector, agriculture, environment as surface waters, forest. In order to fulfill the overall Project objective, the following specific objectives of the Project need to be achieved:
- enhancement of the already developed NOAA AVHRR based model to other than agriculture areas for drought assessment with Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellite data;
- development of the in-situ (meteorological and hydrological) data based model for drought assessment;
- assessment of the applicability of the WRF model for Polish conditions and enhancement of the in-situ based models to WRF;
- fusion of drought models – satellite data based and meteorological and hydrological data based models;
- development of the System for drought monitoring based on fusion of WRF and satellite data based models;
- development of the Drought Risk Reduction and Pricing Models for various Water Demanding Sectors (Industry, Energy, Agriculture and Forestry as well as Insurance);
- demonstration of the developed System to various Users from water demanding sectors and Users’ Needs and Requirements collection
- creation of the portal capable to generate in an operational way a set of products for drought monitoring, dedicated to various Users;
- evaluation of operational value of products proposed for drought monitoring for different sectors - feedback from end-users and validation activities.
The Project is designed to develop the System of drought monitoring and assessment based on the fusion of in-situ (meteorological and hydrological) measurements and satellite derived data. The model based on meteorological, hydrological and satellite data will be analyzed applying Weather Research and Forecasting Model – WRF with satellite derived model, in order to establish the thresholds indicating the start and extent of drought conditions. The drought effect will be monitored through the project delivery and for the years of historical drought in 2006 and 2015 in order to calibrate the WRF and satellite data based drought assessment model.
The targeted Users and potential Customers, Needs and Requirements towards the developed System will be collected and the proposed Solution will be adjusted. The proposed System will be released to the Users and Customers in the form of a platform, delivering operational adequate maps of drought extent and drought forecast supported with the assessment of drought impact costs.
The proposed System will become the solution to the problem of lack of national drought monitoring service in Poland. The proposed System is able to provide more comprehensive and comparable data towards the one provided by three administrative bodies in Poland: IUNG-PIB, IMGW and PGI, which data source are in-situ data from monitoring networks.