Satellite observations of autumn conditions for winter crops
In September/October winter crops are being sown (winter wheat, rye, barley, triticale, rape) in Poland. In this time, the information on soil moisture conditions is crucial for farmers. This information is needed by farmers for several reasons: for preparation works, for sowing as well as in order to enable crops to grow enough to sustain the winter conditions. The satellite derived index - TCI (Temperature Condition Index), obtained from NOAA AVHRR data, were applied by the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, for elaboration of models of autumn conditions for sowing and growth conditions of winter crops.
The calculations are made only for agricultural areas because the mask covering different land use is applied. The data are averaged within the NUTS 2 (voivodeship) and NUTS 3.
We have used the data from Central Statistical Office for the assessment of condition of winter crops. The results are presented with the 3 degree scale: good (yellow), averaged (brown) and weak (purple). According to the CSO data, the weak conditions are equal or less than 3.4, averaged – from 3.4 to 3.8 and good – above 3.8.