Sonata BIS 11
Title of the project: Assessment of orthometric/normal height changes and their impact on the realization of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF)
The Project is funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN) via the SONATA BIS 11 research project No. 2021/42/E/ST10/00218
Duration of the project: 01.04.2022 – 31.03.2025
Financing amount: 1 286 160,00 zł
Project team:
Principal investigator: Dr Hab. Eng. Walyeldeen Godah, email:
Co-investigator: Dr Eng. Małgorzata Szelachowska, email:
PhD student: MSc. Samuel Yadeta Milki, email:
MSc student: Damian Godlewski, email:
General description
The main purpose of project is to investigate and assess temporal variations of geodetic heights at the IHRF (International Height Reference Frame) sites using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow–On (GRACE–FO) satellite missions data as well as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry), SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging), DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite), tide gauges and hydrology data.
The anticipated results from this project will considerably help to:
- assess the reduction of geodetic heights at IHRF sites into the mean tidal system/mean crust that required for the definition and the realization of the IHRS (International Height Reference System);
- determine and investigate global changes in the up component of the Earth’s surface induced by
- temporal mass variations within the Earth’s system as well as regional crustal deformations due to mass loading needed for dealing with natural hazards;
- detect seasonal and secular changes of the sea level;
- update national levelling networks by considering their temporal variations;
- unify national levelling networks of contiguous territories considering temporal variations of orthometric/normal heights at their IHRF reference sites;
- improve the accuracy and the reliability of orthometric/normal height values utilized by land surveyors and geodetic engineers.
Overall, results from this project are expected to be essential for the development of the geodetic field and its related Earth science disciplines.
More about the project is in the following link: