Marcin Sękowski, PhD
Assistant Professor at the Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics IGiK.
He graduated in astronomy from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
Member of the team conducting laboratory and field research using the A10 absolute gravimeter, the AQG absolute quantum gravimeter and the iGrav superconducting gravimeter. He deals with absolute gravimetry in geodesy, geodynamics and related metrological issues. Involved in planning and implementing absolute gravimetric measurements in the country and abroad.
A specialist in terrestrial and celestial reference systems. Co-author of the Astronomical Yearbook of IGiK. Author of the software and all calculations for the Yearbook.
The participant of numerous research projects and GNSS measurement campaigns in Poland and abroad - including Antarctica and the Arctic. Sysytem administrator of Geodesy and Geophysical Observatory Borowa Gora.
Last papers:
- Kryński J., Sękowski M., Wilde-Piórko M., (2023): Rocznik Astronomiczny na rok 2024. Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii, Warszawa, (ed.) J. Kryński, M. Wilde-Piórko (206 pp), ISSN 0209-0341, ISBN 978-83-60024-32-4
- Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Wilde-Piórko M., (2023): Slovakia Data processing report Contract for Work according to § 631 - 643 and follow Act nr. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code č. GKÚ: 2-210-0010-2023, listopad 2023 (14 pp + 28 pp załączniki)
- Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Krynski J., Wilde-Piórko M., (2023): Selected aspects of AQG-B07 quantum gravimeter performance, CCM-WGG Working group meeting, 15-18 May, Vienna, Austria
- Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Krynski J., (2023): Update on the Borowa Góra Observatory gravity reference function between 2016 and 2023, CCM-WGG Working group meeting, 15-18 May, Vienna, Austria
- Bilker-Koivula M., Engfeldt A., Palinkas V., Falk R., Wziontek H., Dykowski P., Sekowski M., et al., (2023): The Nordic Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters – NKG-CAG-2022, IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 11-20 July 2023
- Dykowski P., Sekowski M., Krynski J., Arnal M., (2023): Joint evaluation of A10-020, AQG-B07 and iGrav-027 gravimeters at the Borowa Gora Observatory, IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 11-20 July 2023
- Mäkinen J., Bilker-Koivula M., Sękowski M., Dykowski P., Kuokkanen J., Näränen J., Raja-Halli A., Ruotsalainen H., Virtanen Heikki., (2023): Connecting the First Order Gravity Net of Finland to the International Terrestrial Gravity Reference Frame, IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 11-20 July 2023
- Wilde-Piorko M., Karkowska K., Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Polkowski M., (2023): Determination of the seismic structure of the Earth’s mantle based on joint analysis of gravimetric and seismometric data, IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 11-20 July 2023
- Kryński J., Sękowski M., (2022): Rocznik Astronomiczny na rok 2023, Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii, Warszawa, (ed.) J. Kryński, (208 pp).
- Dykowski P., Kryński J., Sękowski M., Karkowska K., (2022): AGN Ireland Data processing report, Relating to the provision of Services pursuant to Request for Tenders for the provision of Absolute Gravity Network, October 2022 (29 pp).