Małgorzata Szelachowska, BEng, PhD
In 2004, she graduated with a master's degree from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography at the Warsaw University of Technology, specializing in Basic Geodetic Surveys. In the same year, she began working at the Department of Geodesy and Geodynamics at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. In 2009, she defended her doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography on the topic of 'The influence of height data quality and selection of terrain correction algorithm on the accuracy of terrain correction determination' and obtained a Ph.D. degree in technical sciences in the discipline of geodesy and cartography. Her main research interests focus on modeling the Earth's gravity field and utilizing data from gravimetric satellite missions for research in geodesy, geodynamics, and geophysics.
Ostatnie publikacje:
- Krynski J., Dykowski P., Godah W., Szelachowska M., (2023): Research on gravity field modelling and gravimetry in Poland in 2019-2022, Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vol. 72, No 2.
- Yadeta S.M., Godah W., Szelachowska M., Fotopoulos G., (2023): Assessment of temporal variations of orthometric/normal heights at proposed International Height Reference Frame sites using GRACE/GRACE-FO. Survey Review.
- Wilde-Piórko M., Dykowski P., Kryński J., Szelachowska M., Schwabe J., Bauer T., Szulwic J., Pyrchla J., Pyrchla K., Olsson P.-A., Josefsson O., Nilsson T., Tomczak A., Bilker-Koivula M., Rosowiecka O., Olszak T., Kaminskis J., Ellmann A., Varbla S., Strykowski G., Paršeliūnas E. K., Zuševics V., (2023): Ujednolicone morskie mapy grawimetryczne południowego i wschodniego Bałtyku dla współczesnych zastosowań 3D w geodezji morskiej, geologii i nawigacji (BalMarGrav), I Kongres Geoinformacyjny, 25-27.10.2023, Kraków, Polska.
- Bednarczuk E., Bieńkowski R., Kłopotek R., Kryński J., Leśniewski K., Rutkowski K., Szelachowska M., (2023): Matching 3D surfaces using Wasserstein distance, Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics (ODAM 2023), 12-14 czerwca 2023, Ołomuniec, Republika Czeska
- Yadeta S.M., Godah W., Szelachowska M., Fotopoulos G., (2023): On the assessment of temporal variations of orthometric/normal height at the sites proposed for the IHRF using GRACE/GRACE-FO satellite missions data, IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 11-20 July 2023
- Krynski J., Dykowski P., Godah W., Szelachowska M., (2023): Research on gravity field modelling and gravimetry in Poland in 2019-2022, Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vol. 72, No 2. DOI:10.24425/agg.2023.146158.
- Szelachowska M., Godah W., Krynski J., (2022): Contribution of GRACE satellite mission to the determination of orthometric/normal heights corrected for their dynamics – A case study of Poland, Remote Sensing, Vol. 14, issue 17, (19 pp), DOI 10.3390/rs14174271.
- Belay E.Y., Godah W., Szelachowska M., Tenzer R., (2022): ETH-GQS: An Estimation of Geoid-to-Quasigeoid Separation over Ethiopia, Geodesy and Geodynamics 13(1): 31-37.
- Belay E.Y., Godah W., Szelachowska M., Tenzer R., (2021): ETH–GM21: A New Gravimetric Geoid Model over Ethiopia Developed Using the Least Square Collocation, Journal of African Earth Sciences 183:104313.
- Godah W., Ray J.D., Szelachowska M., Krynski J., (2020): The Use of National CORS Networks for Determining Temporal Mass Variations within the Earth’s System and for Improving GRACE/GRACE-FO Solutions. Remote Sensing 12(20):3359. (Web of Science, Scopus) ARTYKUŁ