- Dykowski P., Karkowska K., Sękowski M., Kane P., (2021): Ocean tidal loading models assessment using 28 months of gravimetric tidal records in Dublin, Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2021, Wiedeń, Austria, 19-30.04.2021, EGU21-2422, updated on 03 Mar 2021, LINK
- Dykowski P., Kryński J., (2021): Towards the Implementation of the International Gravity Reference System in Poland , EUREF Symposium, Slovenia, Ljubljana 26–28.05.2021.
- Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Wilde-Piórko M., Kryński J., Karkowska K., (2021): Development of tidal gravity records in Poland within the framework of the EPOS-PL project, EUREF Symposium, Slovenia, Ljubljana 26–28.05.2021.
- Dykowski P., Krynski J., Sekowski M., Wilde-Piorko M., Olszak T., (2021): Evaluation of the gravity reference function at the Borowa Gora Observatory, IAG Scientific Assembly 2021, 28 June – 2 July, Beijing, on-line (oral), S5-022 in Geodesy for a Sustainable Earth, Abstact Book, 518 LINK.
- Godah W., Krynski J., Szelachowska M., (2021): On the usefulness of combining data from dedicated gravity satellite missions with GNSS data for monitoring mass transport within the Earth System on a local/regional scale, The COM-ESA workshop on user requirements for space (quantum) gravimetry, online workshop, 30 Sept. and 1 Oct., 2021.
- Godah W., Szelachowska M., Ray J.D., Krynski J., (2021): The Use of National CORS Networks for the Determination of Mass Transport within the Earth’s System and for Improving GRACE Solutions, The 1st workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), online, 29–31.03.2021.
- Karkowska K., Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Bogusz J., Olszak T., (2021): Multisensory tidal gravity experiment the Borowa Gora Geodetic-Geophysical Observatory, 19th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, Wuhan, Chiny, 22–26.06.2021 (zdalne).
- Ray J.D., Devaraju B., Vijayan M.S.M, Godah W., (2021): Geodetic monitoring of the hydrological changes in Nepal Himalaya, The 1st workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), online, 29–31 March 2021.
- Wilde-Piorko M., Karkowska K., Dykowski P., Sekowski M., Polkowski M., (2021): Determination of group and phase-velocity dispersion curves of Rayleigh surface waves from tidal gravimetric recordings of earthquakes, IASPEI-IAGA Scientific Assembly 2021, 21–27 August, Hyderabad, India, on-line (oral), 558, Abstract Book, 418 LINK.
- Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Wilde-Piórko M., Kryński J., Karkowska K., (2021): Rozwój grawimetrycznych rejestracji pływowych w Polsce, I Konferencja naukowo-techniczna poświęcona projektowi EPOS-PL+, Katowice, online, 25.03.2021.
- Godah W., Szelachowska M., Krynski J., (2021): On the dynamics of physical heights and their use for the determination of accurate orthometric/normal heights. The EGU General Assembly 2021, 19–30.04.2021.
- Karkowska K., Wilde-Piórko M., Dykowski P., Olszak T., Sękowski M., Polkowski M., (2021): Determination of the Earth's mantle structure based on a joint analysis of gravimetric and seismometric earthquake recordings at the Borowa Gora Geodetic-Geophysical Observatory, IAG Scientific Assembly 2021, 28 June – 2 July, Beijing, on-line (poster), S5-011 in Geodesy for a Sustainable Earth, Abstract Book, 501, LINK
- Karkowska K., Wilde-Piorko M., El-Sayed El-Sharkawy A.M.M., Meier T., Dykowski P., Sękowski M., (2021): Phase- and Group-velocity Maps from Gravimetric and Seismometric Recordings of Earthquakes, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13–17 December, on-line (poster), S45G-10, LINK
- Sośnica K., Nawrocki J., Nastula J., Drożdżewski M., Zajdel R., Kapłon J., Kaźmierski K., Patynowski P., Mikoś M., Dykowski P., Krynski J., Olszewska D., Mutke G., Lurka A., (2021): Interoperability of the GGOS-PL infrastructure in the framework of EPOS-PL+, IAG Scientific Assembly, Bejing, Chiny, 28 czerwca – 2 lipca 2021 (zdalne)
- Wilde-Piorko M., Dykowski P., Olszak T., Karkowska K., Sękowski M., Polkowski M., (2021): Improving the Quality of Tidal Gravimetric Recordings, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13–17 December, G35B-0296, LINK LINK