XLV National Cartographic Conference
The XLV National Cartographic Conference was held from 20 to 23 September .Tematem tegorocznego spotkania były „Metody kartograficzne i geomatyczne w badaniach interdyscyplinarnych”.
The theme of this year's meeting was "Cartographic and geomatics methods in interdisciplinary research". Forty-five papers were presented during the conference, including two papers by researchers of the Remote Sensing Centre IGiK - Prof. Dariusz Dukaczewski (Elżbieta Bielecka, Dariusz Dukaczewski 'Chorem - visual synthesis of reality') and Anna Markowska, PhD (Anna Markowska, Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zielińska 'Application maps in precision agriculture - grassland production management').
During the conference, a number of panel discussions were organized on the issues of cartographic methodology, the role of maps in the humanities or the future of young cartographers. The first day of the Conference celebrated 100 years of Polish Cartographical Review.