Visit of the Polish Geological Institue at Borowa Góra Observatory
Added on: 03 March 2023
On the 2nd of March 2023 the Borowa Gora Observatory hosted experts from the Geohazard Centre of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute: MSc Eng. Kamila Karkowska, MSc Przemysław Kowalski and MSc Eng. Mirosław Musiatewicz.
The purpose of the visit included the presentation of capabilities and potential of the gravimetric infrastructure at Borowa Góra Observatory (AQG-B07 absolute quantum gravimeter, A10-020 absolute gravimeter and the iGrav-027 superconducting gravimeter) as well as discussions on cooperation in terms of gravimetric measurements with the use of infrastructure owned by both parties. IGiK was represented by the head of the Observatory, PhD Eng. Przemysław Dykowski.