Proceedings of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography - No 108, Vol. L
price: 40 PLN
Maria Cisak, Andrzej Sas
Transformation of coordinates of points from „Borowa Góra” to „1942” coordinate system
Studies on transformation of “Borowa Gora” to “1942” coordinate system were undertaken in order to express geological gravimetric data in uniform, presently obligatory coordinate system and in homogeneous gravimetric system. Four variants of solution of this problem were studied, considering two levels of accuracy.
First level consists of two precise transformation methods:
- Ryšavy method, which ensure accuracy of re-calculation of ± 0.50 m;
- Buršy-Wolf method, ensuring accuracy of re-calculation of ± 0.7 m.
Second level comprises approximate methods:
- method of mean values, ensuring accuracy of transformation of ±4.5 m;
- zonal method, which ensures accuracy from ± 5 m to ± 8 m.
It was found in the course of the tests, conducted on the selected maps, that method of mean values, ensuring accuracy of transformation of ± 4.5 m is the most useful for geological-geophysical documentation.
Method of mean values, for which special algorithm and calculation program was prepared at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, was applied for transformation from “Borowa Gora” to “1942” coordinate system of about million gravimetric points stored at the geological database.
Maria Cisak, Andrzej Sas
Accuracy analysis of transformation of point coordinates stored at the gravimetric database from „Borowa Góra” to „1942“ coordinate system
Special algorithm and calculation program prepared at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, called BG/42, enabled transformation of coordinates of about million gravimetric points stored at the geological database from “Borowa Gora” to”1942” coordinate system. Formal error of recalculating with the use of this program is ±4.5 m. However, real accuracy of point location after transformation is influenced by accuracy of determination of points stored at the gravimetric database.
In order to asses real accuracy of transformation of coordinates with the use of the method prepared at IGiK, the following tests were carried out:
- on the catalogue data
- on the map data
– field test of correctness of point location on geological profiles.
It results from the conducted tests, that coordinates of points, stored at the geological database in “Borowa Gora” coordinate system are affected with large errors, consisting of errors of mapping based of terrain details and of errors of reading point coordinates from maps. Total error due to these reasons is ±104 m, while error of transformation method itself of ±4.5 m is not large, which was documented by field test on geodetic points.
Hence real precision of determination of location of gravimetric point stored at the geological database after its transformation from “Borowa Gora” to “1942” coordinate system can reach ±105 m. However, for majority of points located on map sheets around central meridians 15o and 21o value of this error does not exceed 100 m, which was confirmed by results of field test.
Jerzy Janusz, Wojciech Janusz, Andrzej Kaliński, Mieczysław Kołodziejczyk, Andrzej Toruński
Preliminary examination of sets of code staffs with the use of digital levels on IGiK comparator in version „fixed levelling instrument – movable staff”
Calibration of code staffs should be done with the use of laser interferometer and digital level, which is utilized for field measurements applying the calibrated staffs, as not only staff graduation is checked, but ability of self-dependent, correct measurements and conversion to metric system by leveling instrument is also verified.
Calibration can be done on comparator in version “movable digital level – fixed code staff”, constructed at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw in March 2003, when there was no adequately high laboratory to move staffs vertically. Such a comparator was described in IGiK Proceedings (J. Janusz, W. Janusz, M. Kolodziejczyk, 2003a,b).
In January 2004, at new laboratory, which enables to move staffs vertically, new comparator in version “fixed digital level – movable code staff” was constructed at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography.
Construction of this comparator and results of comparative examinations of both versions were described in the presented work. It was found, that using comparator in version “fixed digital level – movable code staff” it is possible to obtain higher precision of calibration, because level’s readouts are not affected with changes of comparator position and with variable refraction distortions of axis of collimation, while aiming telescope at different levels.
The results of calibration for the following code staffs were discussed:
- 8 LD 13 code staffs with the use of Zeiss DiNi 11 and DiNi 12 digital levels;
- 2 GPCL2 code staffs and 2 GPPCL3 code staffs with the use of Leica NA 3003 digital level, as well as 2 GPCL2 code staffs using Leica NA 3000 digital level;
- one code staff with the use of Topcon DL 101-C digital level.
It was found, that readouts on staffs can be done with mean errors 3–7 μm, while A coefficient of systematic error can be determined with mean error mA = 1 – 3 μm/m. At the same time it was found, that A coefficient, which characterizes deviation of the average meter of graduation, did not exceed for all checked staffs 15 μm/m, although some of these staffs were intensively exploited for about 7 years.
In the course of examination of LD 13 staffs with the use of DiNi 11 level it was found, that staff graduation can be affected locally with great errors, around 0,2 mm, while aiming at fragment of graduation, which is permanently damaged by its scratching or uncleanness. Some examples were given, how to determine on comparator with the use of digital level those fragments of staff graduation around damages, which should not be taken for readouts.
Elżbieta Bielecka, Andrzej Ciołkosz
Methodical and accomplishing aspects of CORINE Land Cover database revision
There are presently numerous international programmes aiming at acquisition of information on land use and land cover. The following programs can be mentioned: Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), Pan-European Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring (PELCOM) or UE CORINE Land Cover (CLC). At the beginning of nineties database containing information on land cover in Europe was prepared within CLC programme. According to assumptions of this programme the database is to be updated in 10-year’s cycle. So, in the beginning of 21st century this database started to be updated. As a result of its revision CLC-2000 database, as well as database of land cover changes 1990–2000 were prepared. Landsat satellite images collected at the turn of 20th century were used as a source material for CLC90 updating. In 2002 Poland joined programme of CORINE Land Cover database revision; execution of this work was granted to the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography.
Criteria of preparation of new database (CLC-2000) have not been changed, comparing to previous database, but new method of preparation, based on visual interpretation of images displayed on monitor screen, was applied. Methodology of CLC-90 revision assumed first of all correction of database prepared in nineties. This correction was aimed at uniforming database at European level and at ensuring its consistency. It concerned correctness of identification of particular land cover forms (compatibility to the modified legend), precision of location of polygon boundaries and formal conformabilities related to topology and data formats. Correction of CLC-90 database was made on the basis of images taken in nineties, which were transformed to “1992” coordinate system. New satellite images were also transformed to this system.
According to methodology of database revision only these land cover changes were entered to new database, which had area larger than 5 ha (in case of change of land cover extent) or 25 ha (if new form of land cover appeared). Comparison of databases containing land cover information from 1990 (CLC 90) and from 2000 (CLC 2000) enabled to detect changes which occurred in the last decade of 20th century. In most cases these changes appeared to be slight. In total they covered area of about 2500 km2, i.e. only 0.80 % of Poland’s territory.
There are also the other products within CORINE Land Cover programme like satellite orthophotomaps, mosaics covering particular countries and the whole Europe, as well as raster and vector land cover databases with various spatial resolutions.
The Institute of Geodesy and also prepared the map presenting distribution of all 31 land cover forms, in Poland. This map was pub-lished at the scale of 1:1 000 000 in a limited number of copies.
Dariusz Dukaczewski
Presentation of dynamics with aid of static and dynamic variables potentially applied in electronic cartographic animations
The aim of this project is to define the possibilities and limitations of static and dynamic visual variables utilization for creation of animations and to create the method of visual variables optimal selection for the presentation of spatio-temporal changes. The classification of dynamic changes and animation typology were created. Static visual variables utilization possibilities analysis in computer cartography was re-alized. The typology of static visual variables applications at nominal, ordinal and interval / ratio level was proposed. The analysis of dynamic visual variables utilization possibilities was realized. New dynamic visual variable was proposed. The “proper”, “adjacent”, “load“ static and dynamic visual variables were distinguished. The typology of dynamic visual variables applications at nominal, ordinal and inter-val/ratio level was proposed. Dynamic presentation evaluation with aid of static and dynamic visual variables, respecting the semiotic rules was done. A new “entities – cartotropic” method of visual variables selection for animations was elaborated.
Jan Ziobro
Efficiency of additional parameters in aerotriangulation
Author presented in the article results of examinations related to efficiency of applying additional parameters in aerotriangulation, using for this study blocks prepared in Poland during last years. Results of examinations of 20 blocks were included; they were divided into four groups, different in photo scale, number of photographs within block and appearance of the measured projection center.
Efficiency of additional parameters was demonstrated as increase of accuracy obtained for check points, in reference to accuracy achieved in adjustment without additional parameters.