Proceedings of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography No 104, Vol. XLVIII
price: 32 PLN
Scientific session papers presented during IGiK's Director jubilee
Bogdan Ney
Professor Adam Linsenbarth – Remarkable Photogrammetrist, Meritorious Innovator and Manager
Professor Adam Linsenbarth – as a child – soldier of Szare Szeregi, later – learning as a young man geodetic art, next student, graduate and assistant at the Technical University of Warsaw, quickly promoted at the flag photogrammetric company to the post of main technologist, since 25 years has been connected with the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. These relations proved to be firm, despite significant breaks, devoted to the work abroad. However, this work resulted also in scientific achievements. Professor Linsenbarth became the outstanding specialist in the field of genesis and dynamics of sand dunes; for these studies he used remote sensing. Since 10 years he is the director of the Institute, managing it with responsibility, loyalty, great tact and consideration. His personal attributes coupled with professional competencies resulted in large group of friends at the Institute, in Poland and abroad
George J. M. Zarzycki
From Pens to Digits and Pixels an Overview of Evolution in Photogrammetric Mapping (article in English)
Aleksandra Bujakiewicz
Main achievements and capabilities of photogrammetry at the beginning of 21st century
Review of the latest achievements in the field of acquisition of source imageries and their processing in order to obtain digital products for various applications has been presented in the article. The synthesis was done on the basis of the selected Polish and foreign bibliographic items, published in the last period in the journals, publications and scientific theses, as well as in the conference/congress proceedings. Complex, true information acquired with the use of photogrammetric and remote sensing systems became the basis for digital photogrammetric products, which tend to be more and more popular source of different kinds of geoinformation systems. Author presents in the article numerous examples of experimental and production works, conducted in Poland and abroad.
Gottfried Konecny
Current Status of High Resolution Mapping from Space (article in English)
Jiří Šíma
New Tasks of Aerial Photogrammetry in the Czech Republic at the Beginning of the 21st Century (article in English)
Peter Winkler
The Role of Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI) in the National GIS and RS Program. Achievements and Perspectives (article in English)
Zbigniew Sitek
Professor Adam Linsenbarth in the International Community of Photogrammetrists
In the article, prepared on occasion of 50th anniversary of professional work of professor Linsenbarth, author presents activities of the jubilee within International Society for Photogrammetry, as well as in the Society of Polish Surveyors and in the Chief Technical Organization. Part of the article is devoted to the scientific, technical and organizational activity of professor Linsenbarth abroad.
Activity of the jubilee within International Society for Photogrammetry starts in 1960. He was one of the persons reactivating in Poland Polish Society for Photogrammetry and admission of this Society to the International Society for Photogrammetry. In the period 1964–1973 professor Linsenbarth was the secretary of Technical Commission VI (problems of profession, training, terminology and bibliography, concerning photogrammetry). In 1976–1980 he was chairman of the Group of Studies of Commision VI at the International Society for Photogrammetry. He participated several times in the general assemblies of the International Society for Photogrammetry, as a member of official delegations of the Polish Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Social activity of professor Linsenbarth in the Society of Polish Surveyors lasts already over 40 years. He has been working for many years in the Commission of Technique and led the Main Commission on Foreign Co-operation, first in the Society of Polish Surveyors, and next in the Head Technical Organization. He was a member of the National Council of Federations of Scientific-Technical Organizations (NOT). Activities of the Jubilee abroad particularly relate to his work in Libya and Mongolia. In Libya he was the expert and consultant in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing; his work resulted in preparations of maps by Libyans using photogrammetric methods. Moreover, he was the co-founder of the Remote Sensing Centre in Libya.
Scientific achievements of the Jubilee comprise the works on using satellite remote sensing in studies of Libyan sandy deserts. After returning to Poland these works resulted in habilitation dissertation (AGH, 1996).
Idzi Gajderowicz
Libya – a Country Close to the Heart of Professor Adam Linsenbarth
Reviewing curriculum vitae of professor Adam Linsenbarth his great contribution to development of Libyan photogrammetry, geodesy and cartography can be easily observed.
Professor spent in Libya as much as 9 years. In 1973–1976 and in 1981–1985 he worked at the Department of Measurements of the Ministry of Planning and Research. Next, in 1985–1987 he organized governmental Remote Sensing Centre.
Stanisław Ostaficzuk
Interpretation of the content of topographic map in geology
Principles of basic geological mapping remain unchanged in the 21st century, but a great progress has been made in technologies of data acquisition and management. In various geological studies basic topographic maps could supply invaluable data on neotectonics, structural geology, civil engineering geology, natural resources, property rights, land use, hazards, cultural heritage and recreational values of the examined land. However, extraction of the selected subjects from standard topographic maps is difficult due to several reasons: integrated presentation of many overlapping subjects, process of generalization, in which many topographically insignificant terrain features are removed, and due to simplified presentation of relief with respect to scale. Geological applicability of topographic data could be improved, if non-generalized, thematic components of topographic maps, derived from original surveying, would be available in digital format.
Marek Graniczny
Export offer of the Polish Geological Remote Sensing 1982–2000
Author presented results of the selected works on geological remote sensing, conducted by the State Geological Institute in Iraq, Mongolia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt and Cuba in the period 1982–2000. Major part of article is devoted to the discussion concerning geological analysis of lineaments visible on satellite images.
Jan R. Olędzki
Remote sensing and changes of environment
Monitoring of changes in environment of our planet is one of the tasks of present-day Earth sciences. Remote sensing place here invaluable role – using satellite systems, which can record data on various components of environment in global and regional scale, as well as aerial photographs, which are more useful in local scale. It enables to acquire images and other data on transformations of earth’s environment, caused by natural processes, as well as by man’s activity. This activity is nowadays the most dynamic factor changing environment, both by high-frequency processes and by low-frequency geodynamic processes. On the basis of the numerous works several directions of studies of Earth’s environment can be specified, in which satellite data are indispensable. These studies are specific, depending on orbital parameters of satellite, spatial and temporal resolution of data, their spectral range and radiometric resolution. Author presents in the article some disciplines related to environmental sciences, where role of satellite data was particularly significant. At the end two examples of using aerial photographs for monitoring changes of spatial structure of terrains subjected to legal protection of environment are presented.
Wiesław Graszka, Jerzy Pietruszka
Modern Polish military maps
Topographic Service of Polish Army started to prepare cartographic publications according to NATO standards in 1994. The conducted analyses of political situation and defense policy of the State entitled the Service to assume period of 10–15 years for adjusting the existing resources of geographic materials to the requirements obligatory at NATO. However, after creating program “Partnership for Peace” it became evident, that Poland will join NATO much earlier , hence the previous prognoses must be modified. Owing to help of geographic services of NATO members, mainly after establishing co-operation and signing agreements with U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), German Deutscher Militärgeographischer Dienst (MilGeo) and British Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency (DGIA) Polish Army joining NATO has had on disposal topographic maps at scales from 1:50 000 to 1:1 000 000 for the whole territory of Poland. Scale and importance of the conducted task is comparable with the pioneer works of the Military Geographical Institute (WIG), carried out after regaining independence by Poland in 1918.
Wojciech Bychawski
Side-efects of perfection in present-day photogrammetry
Modern photogrammetry significantly increases capabilities of application of aerial and satellite images, but at the same time some side-effects can be observed. It is exemplified in various ways. Technological maturity of photogrammetry implies a question: what is a field of activity for scientists, if the achieved results are satisfactory? Such questions in context of dissertation abilities of photogrammetry are dangerous, as they can lead to loss of didactic and research distinctness of this part of geodesy and cartography. Side-effect of user-friendly technology is also expressed by execution of photogrammetric works by non-professional persons. This can be helped through certificates of quality, according to ISO criteria, adjusted to geodesy and cartography.
Kazimierz Furmańczyk, Igor Szakowski
Ripping Currents at the Pomerania Bay as Interpreted on Aerial Photographs
Analyzing historical aerial photographs of coastal zone of Pomerania Bay in the period 1957–1996 average number of cyclic forms was determined at each kilometer of the sea coast. As a result of these studies parameters and conditions of spatial distribution of torn currents in Pomerania Bay were defined.
Andrzej Majde
Proposals for improving automatic generation of Digital Terrain Model
High accuracy of automatic measuring heights in photogrammetric digital stations is commonly known. But level of reliability is not parallel to this accuracy, as the systems, oriented at the most precise tonal correlation of pair surroundings at a priori defined points, were not equipped with tools enabling interpretation or classification of images.
Based on experience of system’s operators and analysis of first and recent image correlator the main types of correlation errors were found, as well as types of land use, more susceptible to their emergence.
The proposals of modifications, presented at the next part of article, were divided into two groups:
- simple improvements, based on maximum use of results obtained on previously correlated points;
- precedence of correlation process with automatic delineation of potentially troublesome sub-areas, supplemented with proposals of measurement strategies for some of these areas.
Simple improvements are concentrated on dynamic definition of approximations and interval for currently correlated point and on rigorous use of measure of correlation quality for slight modification of measurement strategy.
Proposal for urban areas is concentrated on trial of its measuring penetration through transportation routes, which can be treated as a frame to be used for overlaying the interpolated terrain surface. Such a surface can be further treated as a more valuable approximation, than that used previously.
Andrzej Świątkiewicz
Limits to enlarging source photogrammetric and remotely sensed images
Author describes synthetically in the article limit possibilities of enlarging photographic and electronic images, which are used in photogrammetry and remote sensing.