New research paper on chlorophyll fluorescence in the journal Ecological Informatics by Elsevier
New research paper written by Maciej Bartold and Marcin Kluczek from the Remote Sensing Centre has been recently published in the international journal Ecological Informatics. The publication entitled Estimating of chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm for plant stress detection at peatlands under Ramsar convention with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery presents the results of work on developing machine learning model for estimating chlorophyll fluorescence at Ramsar wetlands based on spatiotemporal data from the latest generation Sentinel-2 satellites. Works related to on-site measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence in the Biebrza Valley were carried out in a scientific research project funded by the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography under the FBW Own Research Fund.
Graphical abstract for Estimating of chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm for plant stress detection at peatlands under Ramsar convention with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery
Link to the paper at Ecological Informatics:
Link to the project: