Andrzej Sas-Uhrynowski, Elżbieta Welker, Irina M. Demina, Leonid G. Kasyanenko - Monographic Series No 1
Price: 25 PLN
Vector magnetic survey on the Baltic Sea by schooner "ZARYA"
The magnetic survey of the Baltic Sea was carried out in the years 1970–1990, during 9 expeditions on the nonmagnetic research schooner „Zarya”. Geomagnetic components F, H, Z and D were measured. The measurements were performed using profile method. The length of the profiles during all 9 expeditions was above 55.000 km. The instrumental, deviation and variation corrections were included to all results of measurements. Instrumental corrections were determined in the Voyeykovo Magnetic Observatory. The deviation corrections were determined several times during each expedition using the special procedure. The variation corrections were determined on the grounds of the data from magnetic observatories located around the Baltic Sea. Secular variations for reduction the results of the survey to the one epoch were determined after analysis of the global model ITRF, the data from magnetic observatories and the data from marine secular variation stations, chosen on the Baltic Sea and measured in 1981, 1985 and 1988. All results were reduced to the epoch 1990.5 except the declination, which was reduced to the epoch 1995.5. The Atlas of Maps of the Geomagnetic Field of the Baltic Sea was worked out using obtained data in the digital form. The Atlas contains the maps of components F, H, Z, I and D. The maps of F and H anomalies are also included., as well as the maps of the normal field of F and H and maps of secular changes of F, H and D. The examples of using these maps to the computing the depth of the crystalline layer and distinction of the zone of fractures in the South Baltic Sea are also presented.