Absolute gravity measurements in Slovakia
In 2023, the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK) started cooperation with the Geodetic and Cartographic Institute Bratislava (GKU) in the field of absolute measurements of the acceleration of gravity on the Slovak national gravimetric network.
As part of the cooperation, two measurement campaigns were carried out in June and September 2023, respectively, by Dr. Przemysław Dykowski and Dr. Marcin Sękowski. In total, absolute measurements of the acceleration of gravity were carried out using the A10-020 absolute gravimeter on 46 points (fig. 2, green). Measurement campaigns were performer with assistance and support from GKU performed by Mr. Martin Borovsky and Dr. Branislav Droscak. The work carried out in Slovakia is a continuation of IGiK's experience gained in Europe from 2009 to 2022. Together with the measurements in Slovakia, IGiK performed measurements at over 450 gravimetric control network points in Europe. The results were developed in accordance with the IGRS2020 conventions, ensuring consistency of the obtained gravity acceleration values with the International Terrestrial Gravimetric Reference System ITGRF.
The link below is a timelapse of a measurement at one of the gravity geodetic control point in Slovakia:

Fig. 1. The A10-020 absolute gravimeter on stations of the Slovakian gravity geodetic control point (fot. P.Dykowski)

Fig. 2. Absolute gravity measurement completed by IGiK in the period of 2009 till 2023. Measurements in Slovakia marked with green colour.